The Environmental Protection Agency recently approved an increase in the ethanol content of gasoline from the current 10 percent to 15 percent, initially on a voluntary basis (but you just know that it won’t be long before it’s mandatory).

An increase of 50 percent in the ethanol content of gasoline will result in significantly more agricultural land being diverted from growing corn for food to growing it for ethanol, resulting in an increase in the price of food.

Already, food prices are rising due to the land that is currently devoted to ethanol, the shrinking value of the dollar and the ever-increasing demand for grain from China and India. Diverting even more of our agricultural land for ethanol could be the fourth nail in the coffin that makes food totally unaffordable for many people.

When you consider that the making of ethanol causes more pollution than the refining of gasoline, that independent studies show it to be one-third less efficient than gasoline, and that it causes damage to some motors, even voiding some car warranties, it makes one wonder who is behind the push for ethanol.

People need to contact their representatives and senators in Washington immediately, and plead with them to do whatever they can to stop the increase of ethanol in our gasoline.

Terence Goodwin




LePage priorities aren’t beneficial for Mainers


Gov. LePage places “people before politics.” At least, that was his pledge during his campaign.

Yet, since the election, LePage continues to state his antipathy for health reform provided by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and wants to spend our state’s valuable time and resources joining a lawsuit brought by five other Republican governors, Republican senators, Republican members of Congress and Republican attorneys general. Sounds political to me.


The act provides more patient rights, ends lifetime and most annual limits on care, and gives patients access to preventive services. That’s good for people.

Mr. LePage promised during his campaign that he was about supporting Maine’s small businesses and promoting job growth. Somehow opposing the Affordable Care Act is his idea of supporting businesses.

Never mind the fact that since the introduction of tax credits for small businesses, roughly 200,000 new workers of small businesses joined two national insurance companies’ plans — that’s just two insurance companies.

Another 134,000 Mainers sure could use that help. Oh, let’s not forget that various estimates, by both public and private entities, estimate that states will save between $40.6 billion to $100.6 billion over five years.

Let’s hope that the reality of governing and doing what’s right for Maine will override LePage’s and his administration’s desire to carry the tea party flag.

Rebecca Millett


Cape Elizabeth


In response to Dan Demeritt, communications director for Gov. LePage, I would offer that the hiring of an obviously unqualified person for a $41,000 per year position when many Mainers who are qualified and seeking employment is a “in your face” moment to all of us who hope for honesty, decency and integrity in our elected officials.

I wish Gov. LePage well. If he succeeds, then we all will benefit.

When Mr. Demeritt suggests the Maine Peoples Alliance is intending to recall Mr. LePage, I wonder about his qualifications to hold the position he does. I find his total response to be very ignorant as to both the reality and public perception of the matter.

I would suggest that Mr. LePage’s daughter be given an unpaid position in his administration.


Al Butler



Caller libels Democrats by questioning patriotism

This letter is in response to a statement made on a local radio talk show recently.

The caller’s statement was, verbatim, “Democrats hate this country,” a blatantly biased observation which went undisputed by the talk show’s host, but one which, I believe, demands rebuttal.


I am a Democrat and a senior citizen. Many wars, declared and undeclared, have occurred during my 77-plus-year lifetime.

Vividly etched in my memory are the World War II years when patriotism and duty to country were not mere political cliches. They were a way of life when all able Americans were, in some way, involved in the struggle to preserve our country’s freedom.

Those of us born in the 1930s, regardless of political persuasions, know from life’s experiences that true “patriotism” is, simply, an overwhelming pride felt, not out of obligation to, but out of heartfelt love of country.

During the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings, then-Sen. George J. Mitchell, in his “Patriot Speech,” reminded us that”disagreement with the policies of government is not evidence of lack of patriotism.” Now, 23 years later, those words still reflect the very essence of America’s greatness.

One wonders if this caller, and others of his closed-minded ilk, have had loved ones who died in service to our country, safeguarding her national honor and liberty. And, if so, were any of them Democrats?

Hope dictates that, for all of us and our progeny, civil, open-minded discourse in our government’s “political arena” will prevail throughout the years ahead.


Shirlie Robinson



Anonymous nurse owed praise for aiding woman


On Dec. 12 my daughter and I had breakfast at a restaurant in downtown Saco, then struggled along the sidewalk and crossed an icy side street to our car.


As I reached the far curb I slipped, fell, banged my head and terrified my daughter.

Just as this happened a car stopped on Main Street at the intersection where we were and a woman got out calling: “Stay where you are. I’ll get you up. I’m a nurse.”

She then slipped and slid her way to us and got me up while my daughter went to get her car. This lovely stranger stayed with me and helped get me into the car.

I didn’t get her name, but I hope she sees this and knows what a wonderful, brave thing she did.

Nancy Knights



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