NEW YORK — Top 25 words and definitions added to the latest edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary:

aha moment n (1939): a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension

brain cramp n (1982): an instance of temporary mental confusion resulting in an error or lapse of judgment

bucket list n (2006): a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying

cloud computing n (2006): the practice of storing regularly used computer data on multiple servers that can be accessed through the Internet

copernicium n (2009): a short-lived artificially produced radioactive element that has 112 protons


craft beer n (1986): a specialty beer produced in limited quantities: MICROBREW

earworm n (1802) 1: CORN EARWORM 2: a song or melody that keeps repeating in one’s mind

energy drink n (1904): a usually carbonated beverage that typically contains caffeine and other ingredients (as taurine and ginseng) intended to increase the drinker’s energy

e-reader n (1999): a handheld electronic device designed to be used for reading e-books and similar material

f-bomb n (1988): … used metaphorically as a euphemism

flexitarian n (1998): one whose normally meatless diet occasionally includes meat or fish


game changer n (1993): a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way

gassed adj (1919) … 2 slang: drained of energy: SPENT, EXHAUSTED

gastropub n (1996): a pub, bar, or tavern that also offers meals of high quality

geocaching n (2000): a game in which players are given the geographical coordinates of a cache of items which they search for with a GPS device

life coach n (1986): an advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems

man cave n (1992): a room or space (as in a basement) designed according to the taste of the man of the house to be used as his personal area for hobbies and leisure activities


mash-up n (1859): something created by combining elements from two or more sources: as a: a piece of music created by digitally overlaying an instrumental track with a vocal track from a different recording b: a movie or video having characters or situations from other sources c: a Web service or application that integrates data and functionalities from various online sources

obesogenic adj (1986): promoting excessive weight gain: producing obesity

sexting n (2007): the sending of sexually explicit messages or images by cell phone

shovel-ready adj (1998): of a construction project or site: ready for the start of work

systemic risk n (1982): the risk that the failure of one financial institution (as a bank) could cause other interconnected institutions to fail and harm the economy as a whole

tipping point n (1959): the critical point in a situation, process, or system beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place

toxic adj (1664) … 4: relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market

underwater adj (1672) … 3: having, relating to, or being a mortgage loan for which more is owed than the property securing the loan is worth


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