As a Maine resident, I am deeply concerned about L.D. 1772, the proposed metallic mineral mining rules being considered by the Maine Legislature.

I have lived much of my life and all of my youth in mining country in Chile and Peru. I have lived among people who have been affected by the contamination caused by mining, especially gold mining and its toxic effects, especially on children, and also on livestock, wildlife, air, rivers and water tables. When cleanup is demanded by the government, the companies claim bankruptcy.

Environmental standards are meant to protect our communities and environment. There needs to be clear transparency and responsibility so that environmental disasters can’t be shuttled from the company to its subsidiaries or subcontractors and back to the company so that in the end no one takes full responsibility.

The result of a failed process at the Board of Environmental Protection, the mining rules, L.D. 1772, would allow mines in Maine to pollute groundwater and the environment for generations to come. L.D. 1772 would allow mines that are so dangerous and polluting, it would be necessary to treat their wastewater for thousands of years.

The rules would not require a mining company to provide full financial assurance prior to the start of mining, making it more likely Maine taxpayers would have to pay to clean up polluted mine sites.

I don’t want to see Maine devastated by mining.

The Environment and Natural Resources Committee and the Legislature should reject L.D. 1772, the proposed mining rules.

Patricia Pora


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