An admonition to those who are insisting on a war with Iran. It is not a small Middle Eastern nation. It is the size of Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont combined and has a similar population.

The first Iraqi war, under President George H.W. Bush, required an initial force of 520,000 troops, many supplied by our allies.

This Iranian war will, initially, require at least as many and likely will not have the support of our allies. In addition, Iran reputedly has 5,000 to 10,000 ground-to-air missiles, supplied by our Russian “friends.”

Should we act and commit our total existing forces to such a Mideastern war, will Russia or North Korea take advantage of our commitment to move on South Korea, Ukraine or the Baltic states?

Should they do so, we will suddenly need an additional half-million troops (and I’m being conservative: omitting rotation needs, etc.). It might even be World War III.

A draft would be necessary. War taxes would be required.


Supporters of stopping the current attempt to try diplomacy first must be prepared to confront what their actions actually entail and stop acting as if this will be settled by two Marines in a cabin cruiser on some stray weekend.

A good many people will die, and they will not be Iranian.

Charles W. Major

North Yarmouth

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