Relative to your Nov. 23 article on the Munjoy Hill sign (“Welcome to refugees sparks comments,” Page B1):

We were walking by last Thursday night on the way to the theater when we came upon five young people writing on the sign hung on the side of the house.

We asked them if they’d put up the sign. They said “no” – they were just adding something to it.

We told them about our experience meeting two rafts of refugees on Lesbos Island in Greece and showed them a video of the arrival of one raft.

As we were about to move on, one person introduced the others to us. They were Iraqis and an Afghan. One said he had lived in Syria; he was quite emotional, nearly crying, as he told us how beautiful Syria was.

We realized they might have feared that we were among the non-welcoming part of our nation, so they had kept their identities quiet until the end of our conversation.

It was a moving experience for us to see the sign and meet these folks. I’d love to locate them and chat some more.

Irwin Novak


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