This is in response to the overwhelming praise of the late boxer Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) by celebrated Americans, such as President Obama, former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and many more, including professional sports teams and U.S. cities.

Ali was called a hero by all the above without their ever mentioning what his heroism consisted of. He flat-out refused to be drafted by the U.S. government to serve his country. Surely that was not a heroic act, compared to the service that members of the U.S. military performed during the Vietnam War.

Fifty-eight thousand U.S. service men and women were killed in Vietnam. I am sure it is safe to say that a large portion of those 58,000 performed heroic acts.

Ali is celebrated for refusing to answer his call to duty. He probably could have assisted by helping to provide protection and or assistance to some of the 58,000 who were killed during the war.

Also, were the 2.8 million or more who served in Vietnam wrong for serving? Should they have stayed home and be praised for their refusal to serve?

Should all future citizens also refuse to report for the draft? Will they be heroes if they adamantly refuse to serve?

Raymond Cady

South Portland

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