Imagine a newly graduated physician. She has completed years of training, and now looks forward to starting a rewarding career. She is concerned, however, about the staggering debt load she is carrying: Debt in excess of $250,000 is not unusual these days.

In what state will she decide to practice? Maine is a wonderful place (which is why I choose to practice here), but the proposed new tax surcharge on income over $200,000 will make Maine radioactive. So many other states offer lower taxes and higher compensation.

I want Maine kids to get the best possible education. I respect our teachers. I am sympathetic to the funding problems. But this is the wrong answer.

You think you have to wait a long time to see a specialist now? Wait until this referendum passes. Maine already has enough problems attracting and retaining physicians. Let’s not make it worse. Vote “no” on Question 2.

Peter H. Bouman, M.D.


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