Regarding the Aug. 27 Maine Sunday Telegram article: “Storm’s havoc will boost price of gas, disrupt travel, shipping.” I understand the immediate travel and shipping issues.

However, I would like anyone in the gas/oil industry to explain to me in language that John Q. Public can understand: Why must gasoline prices go up within days of refinery shutdowns? It seems to me that the gasoline in the tanks of my local gas station today was already paid for when the gasoline was delivered.

Why will the price go up before the next delivery? The gasoline that is here in Maine today that will be delivered to my local gas station in a week or two also has already been paid for when it arrived here weeks ago. Why will the price go up before it reaches my local gas station?

Finally, the reality is that the crude oil in the Texas refineries today that would have been processed into the gasoline that comes to Maine wouldn’t get here for months anyway, if there hadn’t been a hurricane to shut them down.

So logic tells me that I should expect a price hike months from now. Fine!

So this begs the question, “Why will my gasoline prices go up this week?”

Steven C. Pomelow


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