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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    A spruce tree is suspended in the air after being removed from 140 Brentwood St. in Portland. It was being loaded onto a truck to be delivered to Monument Square on Thursday to be decorated as the city's Christmas tree.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Mikki Jones-Little, second from right, and David Little watched their tree load onto a truck after it was removed from 140 Brentwood St. in Portland to begin its journey to Monument Square on Thursday.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    A worker looks down from a cherry picker before removing a spruce tree at 140 Brentwood St. in Portland.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - | of | Share this photo

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    A spruce tree that was removed from 140 Brentwood St. is transported through the intersection of Brighton Avenue, Falmouth Street and Deering Avenue on its way to Monument Square in Portland on Thursday.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    A Colorado spruce tree dangles from a crane before it is set in place on Monument Square in Portland, where it will be lit for the holidays.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    A worker in a cherry picker raises a cable that was fastened to a spruce tree that was cut down at 140 Brentwood St. in Portland and delivered to Monument Square to be city's Christmas tree.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Workers fasten a cable to hold up the Christmas tree that was removed from 140 Brentwood St. in Portland and delivered to Monument Square on Thursday. Crews from the Forestry Section of the Portland Department of Public Services prepared the tree, while Keely Crane Services and Shaw Brothers Construction donated staff, crane and transportation services. Portland police and parking control helped with the transport.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    The city's newly installed Christmas tree – sans decorations – is seen through a fifth-floor window of People's United Bank on Congress Street in Portland on Thursday.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - | of | Share this photo

    A crowd gathers for the Christmas tree lighting festivities in Portland’s Monument Square on Friday.

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    Portland’s Christmas tree is delivered, lit up - Photos by Carl D. Walsh/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Portland's holiday tree is lit up in Monument Square on Friday evening.
