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Mainers in Afghanistan


VIDEO: Cooking for Bravo Company
AUDIO SLIDESHOW: Meydani to Chamkani
VIDEO: Hiking into an observation post
SLIDESHOW: Maine's Bravo Company in Afghanistan

Editor's note: Watch this space for stories, blogs and photos from Portland Press Herald columnist Bill Nemitz, who is reporting from the mountains of eastern Afghanistan. Nemitz left Memorial Day weekend to join the 152 Maine men who make up Maine Army National Guard's Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry. Bravo Company is part of the 94,000 soldiers currently in Afghanistan.

Send letters to Bravo Company:

COP Dand Patan
B/3-172nd IN (MTN)
APO AE 09354
Attn: 1SG Brooks

Read Bill's Blog

    #foreach($item in $cms.links("/blogs/nemitz",1,10))
  • $item.title
    $"MMMM d, yyyy",$item.contentLiveDate,"America/New_York") #set($cssInputString = $item.summary) #set($cssNumWords = 20) $cms.template("Create Shortened String")
  • #end

On the map


    #foreach($item in $cms.links("/special/afghanistan",1,20))
  • $item.title
    $"MMMM d, yyyy",$item.contentLiveDate,"America/New_York") #set($cssInputString = $item.summary) #set($cssNumWords = 20) $cms.template("Create Shortened String")
    $cssOutputString ...
  • #end

More on Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry

    #foreach($item in $cms.links("/special/afghanistan/bravoco",1,10))
  • $item.title
    #set($cssInputString = $item.summary) #set($cssNumWords = 20) $cms.template("Create Shortened String")
  • #end