I am encouraged by the believers in our Lakes Region. They are smiled upon by the Lord, surely.

For instance, the other day I received a phone call from a Christian in Nova Scotia. His father had just suffered a massive heart attack and was rushed to the Dartmouth General Hospital outside Halifax.

Immediately, I phoned prayer warriors in the Lakes Region. “Would you please intercede for Albert?” Then I provided the detail. Without exception, each one phoned promised to go immediately in prayer for this one in need.

God is always just a prayer away. He is forever attentive to our petitions and intercessions. We do not take advantage of His wise companionship as we should. However, when we do the Holy Spirit responds with eternity’s grace.

In that same time frame, a friend asked that I pray for his wife’s brother who is near death. I assured Henry that I would do just that. When one knows of a need, it is time to let other faith lenders know, too. Therefore, I inquired of others’ willingness to intercede.

Again, without fail, these Christians were most pleased to be part of the prayer chain reaching to heaven’s gates. It is such a privilege to be in the company of actual praying disciples in such a confused age as ours. Yet there are actually those Jesus-folk who still cling to the Biblical promises, believing that the good God above is very concerned about His family.


As a joy package, another friend e-mailed that he and his wife were planning a Fall Fiesta at their country home. Would our Christian brothers and sisters want to join in? With that open door, I made my contacts throughout the Lakes Region.

Needless to write, we had our caravan traveling toward that Saturday afternoon Christian fellowship on the lawn. When believers gather, it is different than the usual secular occasion. Believers may meet for the first time, in fact, but upon meeting are as if they had known one another for years. It is the Christ-tie that brings such persons together sincerely.

The day was gorgeous. The autumn colors surrounding us were lush. And the laughter was most needed – and real. Our host and hostess even had outdoor games planned for the boys and girls. All was in place – yet quite casual and relaxed.

There is an unseen divine mercy clan existing in the Lakes Region. It is composed of those who live daily in Christ’s light. They love the Lord with all their hearts. They read the Bible as divine revelation. They worship Christ in truth. They are not embarrassed regarding their simple, child-like walk. And in that strength they minister humbly to others.

Here and there, a Christian comes upon a brother or sister in The Way. When that occurs, the friendship knot is tied even tighter for goodness’ sake. Have you ever experienced that in the Lakes Region? I believe you have if you genuinely seek out the Spirit’s guidance in discovering another of like faith.

Whether a man stricken with a heart attack, a woman’s brother near death’s door, or Christians enjoying the fun in the out-of-doors, the Lakes Region is replete with those who know the Lord, share His blessings with one another and make the world a better place.

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