South Portland police, we are told, want to ban “nonlethal weapons” such as BB guns and bows and arrows from public places.
Nonlethal weapons. Isn’t that an oxymoron? Noodles (kids use them in pools), whiffle ball bats, kitchen sponges? Where do you draw the line? Would a cell phone be a lethal weapon if you were texting and driving and killed someone?
I think the mindless people who think up this stuff have too much time on their hands and are “pushing the envelope” on political correctness!
Give us all a break and deal with the job at hand. Try to get a little common sense. Some of us still remember when kids took their rifles to school so they could hunt after school. I remember we had a “rifle club” at school also.
My dad used to say “The world is going to pot.” Now I know he was right!
Richard A. Aspinall Sr.
Since moving to South Portland in June, I’ve been rather upset by the number of self-styled “dog police” who have interrupted some of my otherwise pleasant walks with my German shepherd through the city streets.
On more than one occasion, upon seeing my dog defecate (as dogs are wont to do), a fellow pedestrian has made a point of asking, “You’re going to pick that up, aren’t you?” before I’ve even had a chance to remove the required doggie bag from my pocket.
As a person who would never think of leaving “the scene of the crime” without taking care of the mess, I find such self-righteousness not only unwarranted, but disturbing.
One can’t help but wonder what sort of empty lives such people lead that drive them to assume the worst of everyone else before there’s even a reason to do so.
Greta Sproul
South Portland
Home Star program a plus for energy, jobs
Job creation and energy independence in this country is crucial if we are to fully recover from the recession. That is why I support the Home Star program, an incentive for energy efficiency upgrades to homes.
This would be a great benefit to Maine in helping to end our dependence on oil, especially home heating. At the same time, it would open 168,000 new jobs for construction workers. With substantial cost savings and reductions in carbon emissions, is there a better direction?
I urge Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins to vote for Home Star.
Chris Reed
When constituents needed help, Ed Suslovik stepped in
What do you do when new people move in next door and their shouting, profanity, slamming doors and fighting shatter your nights? When visits by out-of-state cars are followed by a revolving door of strangers, and your elderly neighbors start to feel scared in their homes?
Renters might call on the landlord. As Portland homeowners we had no idea what to do and weeks turned into months. Then I ran into Ed Suslovik, who was serving as an at-large city councilor. Ed urged us to organize a neighborhood meeting, which he attended accompanied by a police captain, police detective and our district representative.
We were advised that it would not be “bothering” the police to call them if there was a disturbance or we suspected illegal activity. Thereafter Ed continued to encourage us to use and trust the system.
Many police visits and at least one arrest later, the house quieted down. Thanks to the effective teamwork of our police, city councilors and the neighborhood, life returned to normal.
Ed is now running for Portland City Council as our District 3 representative. For his proven track record of paying attention to his constituents, bringing people and resources together, and following through with his commitment to serve us, he has my vote.
Caitlyn Blodget
Fort Williams a gift town makes to region
During the year, my husband and I often visit Fort Williams. We’ll have a picnic, admire the lighthouse and enjoy the rugged beauty of its surroundings.
The park never disappoints us, even when the fog rolls in. It’s always a delight. This summer we had the pleasure of “showing it off” to relatives from Montana.
This was their first trip to see Maine and its coastline. They were impressed. (Who wouldn’t be?)
I explained to them that we could enjoy the park at no cost because of the generosity of the citizens of Cape Elizabeth who voted this past June not to charge an entrance fee to the park (again).
I want to thank those citizens of Cape Elizabeth for this gift to the public. How fortunate we are to live so close to enjoy it so often.
Pam Brant
Legislature needs members who really back business
It was with amusement that I read a recent commentary (“Legislature taking important steps to attract business”) by state Rep. Rob Hunt.
It will take much more than Pine Tree Zones, tax relief targeted at special interests and government bonds to attract businesses to make the strategic investments needed for long-term economic development.
Maine needs to create a comprehensive pro-business environment that encourages investment and allows local companies to compete in a global market.
Numerous surveys attest to Maine’s poor business climate. The concerns regarding high energy costs, state and local taxes, transportation costs, health insurance and health care costs and a burdensome regulatory bureaucracy are constantly enumerated.
Despite all the studies, the Legislature has done little to address the core issues. The Maine Economic Research Institute is a nonpartisan organization committed to promoting a healthy economy and creating quality jobs.
It tracks legislative votes and issues ratings of a legislator’s performance on economic and business related issues. Rep. Hunt has a voting record that is consistently, egregiously anti-business. His most recent MECI voting rating is a paltry 17.5 percent out of a possible 100.
It is for this reason that I will be voting for his opponent Jim Libby in November.
Terry Walters
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