I worked with zeal to elect Barack Obama in 2008, and wholeheartedly voted for him. That was before his support of drone attacks, his decriminalization of torture, and other policies I oppose. I’d feel like a hypocrite to work for him in this 2012 contest, I reasoned.

But was I letting the perfect become the enemy of the good? And an email from Daniel Ellsberg citing many of the policies I deplore pointed out: “A Romney/Ryan administration would be … catastrophically worse, on a number of other important issues: attacking Iran, Supreme Court appointments, the economy, women’s reproductive rights, health coverage, climate change, green energy, the environment.”

Facing an election that will be hair-raisingly close, I’m now volunteering for Obama with a clear conscience, and encourage others who share my reservations to do the same. After all, the lesser of two evils is still the better choice.

Sybil Baker

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