Re: “Open Season: PAC explains Cutler’s early leap to TV” (May 4):

Betsy Smith, head of the independent gubernatorial candidate’s Campaign for Maine, is absolutely incorrect when she states that the reason people aren’t donating to Eliot Cutler is that they’re “hesitant at this point to throw their support behind the candidate who they really want . . .”

No, they are indeed donating to the candidate they really want, Mike Michaud, because they know he’ll be the best governor for Maine’s future.

Smith’s “independent” candidate has repeatedly shown his arrogance and his ego with his insistence that he has all the answers and all we have to do is follow his lead. Does that sound familiar? We already have a governor who stamps his feet and bellows when the Legislature doesn’t follow exactly what he wants.

Mike Michaud loves Maine, not himself. He doesn’t need to be the star.

When he was state Senate president and the Senate was divided with 17 Democrats, 17 Republicans and one independent, he invited the leaders of each committee into his office every day to listen, to discuss and to develop good legislation that could pass with bipartisan support.


Ironically, the organization Smith previously led, EqualityMaine, is now vigorously supporting Michaud. When Cutler learned this, he lashed out, calling support of Michaud “a partisan political decision, not a principled one.”

No, Mainers have clear choices: two candidates who think they are the “leaders” and everyone should just listen to them because they’re the only ones with all the answers, versus Mike Michaud, whose career has been devoted to working collaboratively with Mainers to achieve workable solutions for all of Maine.

Smith’s plan to spend $125,000 to introduce her candidate should be interesting. The more people really listen to him, the less likely they are to support him.

Sandy and Ole Jaeger


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