Since passing the first Clean Elections Act in 1996 through a citizens initiative, Maine voters have been at the forefront of fighting for fairness, transparency and accountability in their state’s politics.

In the past few decades, however, the U.S. Supreme Court has made a series of disastrous decisions that have not only weakened our initiative but have also threatened the very existence of a genuine democracy.

Rulings such as Citizens United v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC have enabled excessive, unregulated and often anonymous money to circulate in elections, diluting our voices.

Maine voters will not stand idly by as their democracy is effectively hijacked.

On primary day, more than 150 volunteers in more than 65 polling locations collected more than 11,000 signatures in an effort to strengthen our law. People of all ages from all over the state and all points on the political spectrum signed our petition.

We understand that with so many urgent issues such as affordable health care, job opportunity and access to education on the minds of the American public, it is easy to forget the importance of clean elections.


The reality is, though, until our representatives stop their reliance on a minority of people with deep pockets, our voices will continue to fall on deaf ears. Our demands will never be met.

Inspired by the outpouring support we received during primary day, where one of every eight voter signed our petition, we plan to make a major push to garner support this summer and into the fall. We will be at parades, carnivals, festivals and backyard barbecues throughout Maine collecting signatures.

Be sure to sign our petition. Join us in our effort to get money out of politics and restore the core principle of a democracy – one person, one vote.

Abukar Adan


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