Mainers can’t escape noticing that there will be a general election in several weeks. The media is awash with advertisements for the many candidates.
When voters go to the polls to cast their ballots in November, they are likely to come into contact with representatives for another campaign. This is a campaign to gather signatures to petition for a referendum in support of Maine Citizens for Clean Elections.
MCCE works to reduce the influence of money in state elections and make politicians more accountable to their constituents. From my contacts, most people are disgusted by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which has opened the doors to corporate powers, allowing them to basically buy elections where they have a large vested interest.
If MCCE is successful in gathering the required signatures, it will petition to have a referendum in 2015 to strengthen Maine’s Clean Election laws and establish clear guidelines for contributions to candidates, with severe penalties to those who violate them.
Signing a petition does not oblige the signer to voting in favor of the proposal when it is on the ballot next year. It simply puts this decision in the hands of Maine voters, where it belongs.
For more information, see
Roy Herrmann
Cape Elizabeth
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