I would like to describe five recent weekdays of my life, but first I want to give you a little history about myself.
I am a 69-year-old woman who has been listed as an organ donor since my mid-20s. Little did I know that last month, I’d have an opportunity to be considered as a “live” kidney donor.
After a week of extensive medical testing at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, I was denied the opportunity to help my friend because of my own unknown medical conditions and physical kidney anatomy. It was disappointing and heartbreaking, but it was an eye-opening look into the world of organ donations.
Out of my disappointment comes the understanding of just how important organ donations are. I’ve seen, met and heard stories of donors and transplant recipients.
Chances are the recipients would not be alive if it weren’t for the organ donor program. These recipients could very well be your loved ones, neighbors, co-workers or a stranger you have passed on the street.
I’m urging all of you reading this to become organ donors. Please “put that little sticker” or “check that box” on your driver’s license or take this opportunity to have a discussion with your loved ones. Let them know that you wish to be considered as an organ donor in the case of an emergency.
In some cases, one donor can give the gift of life to seven different people. Depending on their illness, many people wait for years before they receive the organ that could improve their quality of life and potentially save their lives.
Please help!
Diane Durgin Briggs
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