Lord Byron said, “I know that two and two make four – and should be glad to prove it too if I could – though I must say if by any sort of process I could convert two and two into five, it would give me much greater pleasure.”

This is another deal like yesterday’s, in which a defender partly needs to estimate the declarer’s ability. But it is more pleasurable to beat the contract when you can.

South gets to five clubs following the lengthy auction given. After West leads the spade ace, what should happen?

North’s two-spade cue-bid only showed a strong hand: at least a good 12 points opposite a balancing double. His three-spade cue-bid was an unsuccessful attempt to get into three no-trump if South had a spade stopper. When South couldn’t bid three no-trump, North settled into five clubs.

West cashes two top spades, East playing highlow to show his doubleton. If West continues with the spade queen, South ruffs and pauses.

Dummy has 13 points and declarer has 15. There are only 12 missing, but West opened the bidding. He must have the club queen.

So, South cashes the club king and runs the club jack through North to make the contract.

A more resourceful West spots one chance for the defense – if East can produce the club four. At trick three, West leads a low spade and hopes that East will realize what is expected of him. If East ruffs with the club four, West will gain a trump trick for down one.

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