The bold headline on the front page of the Oct. 25 Maine Sunday Telegram said it all: “Mayday: Gulf of Maine in distress.” The series of articles by Colin Woodard that followed served to confirm the viewpoint of all who believe that climate change is real and has reached our shores.

After reading Woodard’s presentation, there cannot be any doubt that global warming is adversely affecting our Maine fishermen and all related industries that rely on the ocean for their livelihood.

It is time for the most prominent naysayers, including Press Herald columnist M.D. Harmon, to abandon their campaign quoting “reliable scientific sources” attempting to prove their false contention that global warming is a myth. They claim that such “evidence” is only intended to scare the general population.

I admit I am scared, but for a different reason. It scares me that these skeptics are able to convince so many people that global warming is a fabrication when the evidence of drastic changes in our weather presented by Woodard and our foremost scientists reveals there is a real danger confronting us.

My greatest fear is for my grandchildren and their children who will be most affected by this drastic change in our environment unless our generation has the courage to accept the undeniable facts and take remedial action while we still can.

We have been warned. There are many of us who have faith in the true scientific evidence and are fearful of the demagoguery of the scoffers. We are not willing to risk the consequences of doing nothing while there is still time.

How can we not accept the hard evidence of what is happening at our very shores and not reject the demagoguery of the scoffers who continue their denial?

Sam Kamin


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