I was concerned about the letter by Brian Jones (“Enough about Le- Page’s flaws; what about his goals?”) that appeared in the Jan. 17 Maine Sunday Telegram.

Mr. Jones expressed strong feelings that the newspaper had not devoted enough time and space to reporting the governor’s goals. I would suggest that it might be more appropriate to focus on his results.

Our governor talks a lot, but positive results under his leadership have been few. He did cut income taxes, but this has resulted in increased property taxes, cuts in services and little, if any, economic benefit to the state.

There are more children living in poverty, more uninsured people and little improvement in the job picture.

In addition, under his leadership the state has lost $20 million in federal funding for our main psychiatric hospital and is facing $29 million in fines for failing to meet federal standards in helping welfare recipients back to work.

Recovery has been very slow compared to the other New England states. After five years in office, Gov. LePage has few results of note.

Nancy D. Barber


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