At the State of the City Address on Monday, Mayor Ethan Strimling set a goal for Portland to become a 100 percent renewable energy-driven city; it’s an ambitious, forward-thinking goal.

In his address, Mayor Strimling also highlighted the difference between the needs and the wants of the citizens of Portland. I believe that there are plenty of needs that the city of Portland should be addressing, and I truly do believe that one of those needs should be making the city 100 percent renewable, and making us a leader in the environmental movement.

This is because we are feeling the effects of climate change today and have been feeling them for the last decade. It’s important that the city take the necessary steps to do what it can to curb climate change as much as possible.

Which brings us back to needs versus wants: We have a real need to begin a transition to 100 percent renewable energy, and it is great to see the city having the courage and ambition to begin making those steps.

Andrew LaVogue


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