A pro-Trump “rally” held Saturday in Monument Square is a hot topic on social media, but not for the reasons supporters had hoped.
William Hall of Gray organized the Portland event as a response to the president’s travel ban.
Eight people showed up.
Just a week earlier, this happened:
“Thousands protest Trump policies at 2 rallies in Portland”
Critics on Twitter couldn’t ignore the numbers, chiming in with jabs like “Almost too many to count on one hand” and “Crooked media doctored photos of HUGE rally. Disgusting.”
Trump supporter Doug Prevost attempted to defend his position to WGME, saying “… (Trump) has an awful lot of backers behind him.”
Twitter disagreed.
More people showed up to my birthday party and I’m realllly unlikeable. https://t.co/969D9N4cGU
— Adrienne Kisson (@akisson) February 6, 2017
@KellyannePolls The Portland ME metro has over 500K people. 8 showed up to rally for your boss. https://t.co/stwANm7JY7#SoCalledPresident
— el dolor (@mconroy89) February 6, 2017
Almost too many to count on one hand. Supporters of President Trump rally in Portland | WGME https://t.co/45QDcnJAvu
— David Booker (@talltalestogo) February 5, 2017
Lies. There were really 8 million there. Trump knows, Spicer knows, but lying media lies. Sad. #alternativefacts https://t.co/pyglhpd6SK
— JustZack (@2buddhaornot) February 6, 2017
“This was the largest audience to ever rally for a President ever, period, both in person and around the globe.” https://t.co/OgBXVBcFgB
— Andy (@mrmoto) February 6, 2017
My favorite picture ever, under headline “Supporters of President Trump Rally In Portland Maine” https://t.co/wlOrrpZuFX pic.twitter.com/IYcXogAteG
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) February 5, 2017
rally in support of Trump & his immigration ban in Portland, Maine on Sat is drawing attention for all the wrong reasons. Only 8 people came
— Cheryl Grace (@GraceWhims) February 6, 2017
A Tale of Two Rallies
Portland, Maine
On the left is a rally against Trump * on the right is a rally for Trump
Nothing left to say pic.twitter.com/LJbErCD6bK— Peter Files (@Bee_Paw) February 5, 2017
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