On Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m., hundreds of Mainers will come from all over the state to Portland City Hall to attend the March for Truth.

The March for Truth demands that our national and state leaders defend the rule of law and fully investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and any ties to Donald Trump and his associates.

The March for Truth is not partisan. Whether we identify with a political party or not, the March for Truth demands that the facts be followed wherever they lead. As American citizens, we deserve to know the truth; our democracy is precious.

The demands of the march are simple:

 Establish an independent commission to supplement congressional investigations; all must be properly staffed, financed and without partisanship.

 Provide as much information to the public; we are an open and free society entitled to this information.


 Donald Trump must release his tax returns so that the public is aware of possible connections to foreign powers.

 Prosecution of crimes supported by the evidence.

As an American citizen, I am personally concerned about the attack on the First Amendment after the arrest of a reporter who asked questions of a Cabinet secretary and the alleged physical attack (“body slam”) on another reporter performing his job by trying to interview a candidate for Congress.

The United States has a long history of expecting the press to unearth truths and to be a check on the powerful. My stand for truth is to demand that this long tradition is protected. I ask you to join the March for Truth and send a strong message that the people of Maine believe that our democracy, the First Amendment and the rule of law are worth fighting for.

Theressa Harrigan

member, Mainers for Accountable Leadership


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