Military veterans of the war on terrorism deserve a memorial. Let’s hope they don’t have to wait as long for it as World War II veterans did theirs.

Pittsburgher Andrew Brennan, an Army veteran of Afghanistan, has been promoting the idea of a national memorial in Washington, D.C., for about three years. Significant obstacles remain. Funding is one of them, but that’s a worry for another day. First, Congress would have to waive a law that permits memorials to be built only 10 years or more after a war is concluded.

The war on terror, however, is more nebulous than most. It’s a fight against a concept, a tactic used by non-state actors, not a foreign power. It’s waged on many fronts. Unlike other wars, it might never end. But that’s no reason to hold off giving veterans their due.

The National World War II Memorial did not open until 2004, 59 years after the war’s end. Now, WWII veterans are dying at a rate of hundreds per day, and there’s a rush to get as many as possible to Washington to see the memorial while they’re still able to travel.

Veterans of the war on terrorism reported when called, putting duty before families, careers and convenience. Recognition of their sacrifices should be prompt, too.

Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., is correct to point out that the 10-year-rule is intended to provide “historical context” to a war. The waiting period theoretically leads to a more fitting tribute. But 10 years is completely arbitrary.

While much about the war on terrorism remains unknown, the broad outlines are clear. That’s enough to get started.

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