On Sept. 2, the Press Herald published a letter by Caroline Herriman about the Christians outside Planned Parenthood in Portland. My family ministers with the Christians there, and I would like to respond to the assertions in this letter.

God is loving and forgiving. However, the Bible also says that “God is angry with the wicked every day.” God is loving, but He is also just and must punish sin. Justice must be served, otherwise God would no longer be just. We cannot pick and choose which attributes of God we want and ignore the rest. We must remember all the attributes of Almighty God.

God created our minds with the ability to reason and make choices, but He also gave us commands to obey. You can make the choice to have an abortion; however, God commanded in His Word that “you shall not murder.”

Abortion is the premeditated murder of a child, created in the image of God, while in the womb. Abortion, therefore, is not a matter of exercising what the letter’s headline calls the “God-given right to choose.” Rather, it is making the choice to disobey God’s commandment.

God is not “proud of His creations” (Ms. Herriman’s words) killing their children and calling it “choice.” Do not invoke the name of Almighty God to justify sinful actions that violate His express commands. Pro-abortion is pro-death. Abortion is murder, causing death to a living human being! People who try to justify executing innocent children are pro-death.

Christians should never “thank” an organization that murders children, no matter how much supposed good they do otherwise. Christians should not support Planned Parenthood.

Those wishing to engage in civil discussion are encouraged to email us at prolifemissionary@gmail.com.

Virginia Cowperthwaite


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