The promotional material for illusionist Ted Outerbridge shows him levitating his wife, Marion, in front of the statue of Paul Bunyan at Husson University’s Gracie Theatre.

Or does it?

If you dig around a little on YouTube, you might find a video that might explain what you’re seeing. Don’t want the illusion explained? Check out this happy story about a rescue at sea.

The video shows an illusionist who is using a fake leg to support a woman who is lying down on a table. The picture of Outerbridge shows him standing right next to his wife. While he’s not likely using a fake leg, it’s a safe guess that he’s supporting his wife with his own two legs.

Want more illusions? The Outerbridges are performing tonight at Husson University. The couple will revive classic illusions that include Marion Outerbridge being sawed in half. If you can believe that.

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