My husband is in the Scarborough Veterans’ Home. I attended a very impressive Memorial Day service there.

Service members stood at attention while Girl Scouts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The Scarborough High School Band played music, and a bagpiper group played a very moving “Amazing Grace.” After the speakers and music, two band members played taps and there was a gun salute.

There are over 200 veterans at this facility, and many of them came out to see and hear this service. The true meaning of Memorial Day is remembering the brave men and women who lost their lives protecting us. The men and women in the Veterans’ Home also deserve to be honored for their service.

I was appalled that no newspaper or television reporters were there to cover this memorial service and there was no mention of it on TV or in the newspapers. Shame on you all!

Carolyn D. Foerster


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