Marilee, Mike, and Pam answer your phone call at Clark Insurance when you want to report damage to your property. As well as serving customers, they notice trends. Through their experience, they identified the topic of water damage in the kitchen – specifically caused by a kink in your icemaker – as one of the most common issues people face. Here’s what they’d like to share:
“Most water damage in the kitchen is actually due to a kink in the icemaker tubing behind your fridge.”
Did you know that icemaker leaks are one of the leading causes of water damage in the home? Unfortunately, most people don’t realize there is a leak until it is bad enough to cause a puddle – long after it has damaged the drywall behind the fridge and the flooring beneath it. So how do you prevent this?
A coil! Making sure the tubing is in a coil running parallel to the back of the fridge and wall will allow it to compress and expand without forming an acute kink. This is particularly helpful when pushing a fridge into that 3-walled space. Knowing this simple fact as you are installing the fridge will save you stress, time, money, and a frustrating morning down the road.
While we’re here – along the same train of logic, washing machine hoses are another culprit. When was the last time you replaced the hose behind your washing machine? It turns out, they should be replaced every three to five years!
Something as simple as checking for a kink in your ice maker or washing machine tubing can save you big in the future. The savings on time, money, and energy is worth having a conversation about.
Clark Insurance is a 100% Employee Owned Company made up of 110 employees, operating across Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Clark has proudly provided Personal Insurance, Business, Employee Benefits, Bonds, Life, Health, Annuities, and Risk & Safety Consulting services since 1931. If you haven’t experienced the value of working with an independent insurance agency – visit their website or give them a call at 207-774-6257.
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