Re: “Sentenced to 3 years, Cohen says ‘blind loyalty’ led him to cover up Trump’s ‘dirty deeds’ ” (Dec. 12):

The cascade of revelations regarding Individual 1’s illegal campaign payments to silence his affairs with two women and of his documented contacts with the Russians to influence the 2016 elections trickle forth like a winter thaw at Sunday River ski resort, slowly revealing the pathways and contours of deceit and criminal behavior.

The president’s daily tweets that his accusers are all lying about his “dirty deeds” proves that “falsehood, once started, hides in empty brains and grows and propagates its own kind from generation to generation,” as Union Army Gen. William S. Rosecrans wrote in an Aug. 20, 1887, letter to Dr. D.C. Pavy.

The undisputed trove of documents and tapes provided to federal prosecutors by lawyer Michael Cohen regarding Donald J. Trump’s payment to silence two sexual partners confirms the judgment of John Barrymore, who said: “Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.”

See the Clinton impeachment proceedings for full particulars. It’s déjà vu all over again.

Robert F. Lyons


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