BUXTON — Police say a case of road rage led one man to threaten another with a knife.

Reid Crossman

Police responded about 10:20 a.m. Tuesday to a complaint of a man threatening another man with a knife on Webster Road in Buxton, Buxton police said in a statement.

Police investigated and determined that a road rage event had proceeded the threatening incident.

Reid Crossman, 53, of Buxton was arrested and charged with criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon.

He was unable to make bail and was taken to the York County Jail, police said.

Crossman also faces driving-to-endanger charges from the “road rage” incident, police said.


Crossman is accused of threatening Jeffery Roubo, 52, also of Buxton. Roubo was issued a summons charging him with driving to endanger in the reported “road rage” incident.

Criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon is a felony punishable up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Driving to endanger is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Liz Gotthelf can be contacted at 780-9015 or at:


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