President Trump has declared a national emergency to get the funds to build his southern border wall. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated he will support it. This is executive overreach, abuse of the power of the presidency and unilateral usurpation of the powers of Congress. It is also very likely unconstitutional.
This sets a very dangerous precedent and is a slippery slope to unilateral presidential action – where a petulant chief executive can evoke an emergency order any time he or she doesn’t get what they want. This is a big deal, and politicians (and citizens) of every stripe should oppose this – even if they approve of Trump’s policy goal. Another president could declare an emergency over gun control, climate change or banking regulation to make an end run around Congress.
Our senators must buck McConnell – the Senate has been his and the president’s lapdog for too long.
Greg Rossel
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