I’m deeply concerned regarding recent reports of racially based tactics (e.g., “whites only” signs and nooses) of several General Motors employees in its Toledo plant.

There’s not a lot that has to be said. Racism runs deep in our history, culture and society. It is up to all of us to uproot these long-held lies about black people.

We are all human. There’s no doubt about that. As a white, professional woman, I have learned that no one granted the white race superiority. Whites did this for themselves and used people of color, particularly black people, to look down upon in order to keep themselves in that superior position. And, by the way, white is a race as well.

We all identify as one race or another. We should all enjoy equal treatment. If whites want to be treated well by others, then we should know how every other human wants and deserves that as well.

There are some excellent books that can help us understand the ways in which, sometimes, perhaps unknowingly, we have all contributed to the race issue. I encourage all of us to educate ourselves about this very core issue in our country.

Moreen Halmo


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