It’s easy to become despondent reading yet another scientific study on the climate crisis (“Our View” July 17). The Press Herald correctly compared our growing awareness of this crisis to that of Pearl Harbor, compelling our mobilization to protect our children and ourselves from a truly existential threat. On a local level, it seems so overwhelming and frankly so unfair that our Maine heritage would be threatened in so many ways when on the global scale Maine has done little to contribute to this problem.

While reducing our individual carbon footprints remains a priority, we know that more is needed to solve this problem. A true solution to this global crisis must include a national policy to mitigate our national and global greenhouse gas emissions. Passing such legislation may seem daunting in these polarized times but we should be encouraged by the quiet steps taken in congress to adopt the bi-partisan, revenue-neutral “Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act HR763” ( sponsored by Rep. Pingree. In a time when it seems there is no room for agreement anywhere, over 3300 economists of all political stripes have endorsed this bill, which is projected to get the US within its Paris Protocol goals within 8 years, help low- and middle-income Americans and create 2.1 million new jobs. Furthermore, the EICDA uses border adjustments to protect US manufacturers and jobs while encouraging worldwide implementation of climate (life) saving carbon fees.

While our lawmakers are beginning to offer legislation on the symptoms of the climate crisis (ocean acidification, threatened fisheries, Lyme disease…) they seem to lack the courage to address this crisis at its source: carbon pollution.

Feeling despondent? Then call Sens. King, Collins and Rep. Golden and demand that they support this legislation.

Peter Dugas


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