WINDHAM — A Windham woman says she received more than 500 letters from UnitedHealthcare in five days.

Stephanie Lay says her family has received more than 500 letters in five days from UnitedHealthcare. Image from News Center Maine video

The letters were sent to Stephanie Lay’s 19-year-old son, Bryce, in Windham, but were addressed to Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services — in Cincinnati, Ohio.

News Center Maine WCSH/WLBZ reports most of the letters said the company was denying a payment of $54. Some say $0. The claims go back to 2016. Lay began receiving the letters Thursday.

Lay first thought it was a joke. She said she’s spent countless hours trying to figure out how this happened.

Lay says she was especially amused by a line written at the bottom of every single one of the letters that says, “Go Paperless!”

A spokeswoman for UnitedHealthcare said the company is looking into the issue.


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