We’ve got just over a year to go before the 2020 election — is your company ready for it? These partisan times can raise all sorts of workplace questions:
• How do you keep your team together when politics polarizes?
• Should you watch or avoid employees’ social media accounts?

• Should you mind your brand to stay strictly bipartisan or is it OK, even beneficial, to get behind a candidate or a cause?
• Are there issues to watch out for as you navigate these tumultuous times, when a misstep can cost a sale, a reputation or lawsuit?
Join us and our panel of experts as we brace for Election 2020. The forum will be in Jalbert Hall at Central Maine Community College. Parking is free. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. for coffee and light refreshments. Program starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 9 a.m.
About the moderator:
Kathryn Skelton is a business reporter at the Sun Journal, covering local industries large and small, writing features and deep-dive analysis. She’s been at the paper for 20 years.
On the panel:
Adam R. Lee, attorney, Trafton, Matzen, Belleau & Frenette, LLP
Molly McGill, senior writer, Warp + Weft
Angela Hansen, consultant, KMA Human Resources
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