I am writing to you in response to the Forecaster article published Sept. 18 on the $30 million dredging project planned in Portland Harbor. While having marinas is necessary for Portland’s and South Portland’s economy, I fear two things: that the article did not delve sufficiently into the negative environmental impacts that would occur in Casco Bay, and also that with the onset of climate change and rising sea levels, undergoing such an expensive project will become unnecessary in the near future.
The sea levels around Portland are, according to a study by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, expected to rise to above the city’s existing waterfront infrastructure at the lowest, and well within the city limits at the highest. I wonder if the best course of action to prepare for this future would not be to dig into the bay, but instead to prepare the city’s port for the coming high tide.
The Gulf of Maine is the fastest-warming body of water on the globe, and Maine’s abundant waterfront industry is going to be hit the hardest. Gov. Mills’ plan to address Maine’s dependence on fossil fuels now is a wonderful step in the right direction, but I wonder what her plan is to address the impacts Maine will inevitably face.
Thank you for your consideration.
Andrea Lieser
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