Backed by our American military, Kurdish fighters have fought the ISIS threat for over five years and sacrificed 10,000 lives in this cause. Until this past week ISIS captives were being guarded by our Kurdish allies and peace was established along the Turkey, Syria border with joint U.S. and Turkey patrols. Now that is all gone because of President Trump’s pronouncement after a phone call with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.
The slaughter of Kurdish soldiers, civilians and children has begun while our soldiers have been ordered to stand down. History will record this decision by Trump with little or no consultation from either the Pentagon or the State Department as a very dark day for America and for the world.
Likewise Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iranian nuclear accord unilaterally after signed by seven nations has only raised world tensions. Korea is another example of Trump’s go it alone foreign policy. After three face to face meetings Korea continues it’s nuclear program and continues to test fire missiles. Relations with many of our long term European allies is at a low ebb.
Coupled with the current House Impeachment investigation, the logical question then becomes, can this nation and the world afford another year and a half with Donald Trump as president?
Thomas Flinn
Old Orchard Beach
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