Kennebunkport selectwoman Sheila Matthews-Bull, York County Commissioner Richard Dutremble, Kennebunkport selectman Edward Hutchins, David James, and selectmen Allen Daggett and Patrick Briggs pose for a photo as James is honored Nov. 6 with a Spirit of America Tribute. Tammy Wells Photo
YORK COUNTY – Longtime volunteer David James of Kennebunkport was among a number of York County residents recently receiving a Spirit of America Tribute.
Recipients are named annually and first recognized by their municipal government, and then at the county level. York County government recognized 22 volunteers in ceremonies Nov. 6 in Alfred. James was presented with his award by York County Commissioner Richard Dutremble.
The Spirit of America Foundation was established in Augusta in 1990 to honor volunteerism. Tributes are presented to local individuals, organizations and projects for community service.
In a narrative describing the honoree, Kennebunkport selectmen likened James to a modern day town crier.
“According to the Collins English Dictionary, a town crier is “a man whose job was to walk through the streets of a town shouting out news and official announcements,” they wrote.
“Well, one could say that David James is the modern-day version of a town crier. He may not walk the streets of Kennebunkport shouting, but he gets the word out as editor of the Kennebunkport Residents Association Newsletter.” according to the narrative. “He performs an important public service on many key subjects in town and is the go-to person for residents who have questions and want to stay informed.”
The selectmen board went on to write that James has represented Kennebunkport on the York County Budget Committee for 15 years, and has served 19 years on the Kennebunkport Budget Board.
He attends a variety of public meetings and can be found at most Board of Selectmen Meetings, often adding comments or asking questions his followers want answered, they pointed out.
“David’s dedication to conveying information to residents is phenomenal, and Kennebunkport is fortunate to have him supporting our community,” selectmen wrote.
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