A married couple in Lincoln County are struggling to raise two special-needs kids on a single income.
They have a home with heat and food on the table, but no money left to buy holiday gifts. The mother, who is a full-time caregiver, doesn’t want her children to miss out on Christmas presents just because they need extra support at home.
“I am a married stay-at-home mom with two beautiful special needs kids. My husband works full time, barely above minimum wage. … He does his best to support us and keep us fed and warm.”
The couple have a 9-year-old daughter who is a funny “girly girl” and a 4-year-old son who loves space and rockets, is “growing like a weed” and has autism.
“We need help this year because things are tight. Trying to keep a roof over our heads and food in their bellies takes it all. Anything extra is like a gift from God.
“Thank you for all you are doing for all the families in need this year. God bless you!”
Merry Christmas to family and friends! Dick & Evie Tonneson $500
In memory of Drew $50
Anonymous $150
Merry Christmas! $100
Anonymous $30
Linda Michaels $150
In memory of Lois A. Lemanski, from Frank, Adam & Lucas $100
Davis & Jane Hartwell $50
Leon & Paula Cooper $100
Robert H. Tweedie $75
David Manyan $30
In memory of Stanley & Violet Oliver $50
In memory of Shaun, who loved Christmas, from his family $20
James & Judi Czimbal $50
Alle $25
In memory of Blanche & Fernald Goulette $50
Judith & Walter Deskus $100
Scott & Brenda Seaver $30
Elizabeth Goldsmith $30
In loving memory of Mom & Dad, Kathy and Joyce, from Mike N. $75
Patricia Andrews $50
Blair & Bonnie $25
In memory of Roland Hughes, Ralph & Hazel Moore, Elizabeth McKague, Tracy Hansen $25
In memory of Patricia & John Scanlan from their family $60
Ivy Rebekah Lodge #5 $25
Year to date: $57,568.50
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