The Jan. 8 article headlined ‘Top Democratic lawmakers threaten to roll back BIW’s $45 million tax break” raises some serious questions for me.

Why would our already cash-strapped state give Bath Iron Works/General Dynamics Corp. a $45 million tax break in the first place? We all know that BIW has a contract for new ships. General Dynamics does not need this corporate welfare, but we do have many huge unmet needs in the state, like crumbling roads, bridges in need of repair, schools in need, many poor people without health care and much more.

I am grateful to those who campaigned statewide to oppose the original request by BIW/General Dynamics for $60 million – their efforts trimmed the package by $15 million, saving taxpayer dollars. But it is still a travesty that this bill passed the state Legislature at all!

No more corporate welfare, please. General Dynamics does not need our crumbs – especially when they are paying multimillion-dollar salaries and bonuses to their top executives.

Susan Strode Pastore


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