Sen. Susan Collins is all over television with these poignant, albeit political, ads disguised as public service announcements. And, despite her claim on these ads that she has an “independent voice,” her voting nearly 67 percent of the time with President Trump’s position (according to political news website FiveThirtyEight) says otherwise.

With such a Trumpian level of support, why is it that Maine is waiting for more testing units, personal protective equipment support and other critical needs related to COVID-19? And why is Maine relying on alternative ventilators (“Why didn’t ventilators from U.S. cache go to Maine,” April 15, Page B1)?

One would think that someone who supports President Trump so much could get our great state the resources for our most valued workers on the front lines. Why doesn’t our senator ask this “reality star” president to, well, face reality?

I have many friends in advertising and marketing whom I know would be delighted to help our senator cut an ad if only she could and/or would capitalize on her support for her Republican leader.

Getting supplies to Maine should be a lot more important than getting votes.

Rich West

Cape Elizabeth

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