Editor’s note: The Virus Diaries is a series in which Mainers talk about how they are affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

Wyatt Kenney, 17, of Gray says being stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak has given him a new perspective on day-to-day interactions with friends. Photo courtesy of Wyatt Kenney

“I never thought I would say this, but I actually miss school. I can’t believe I feel that way, but life right now is so boring.”

Wyatt Kenney, 17, of Gray wrote those words on April 2. A junior at Gray-New Gloucester High School, Kenney was into his third week of remote learning because of the coronavirus outbreak.

A three-sport athlete, Kenney has since learned he won’t have a spring baseball season and he said he “can’t imagine we’ll have summer sports either.” Losing his team sports has been tough. But what he’s really missing are the day-to-day interactions with his friends.

Keeping a journal as part of his homework for Mark Cutter’s 21st century English class has been an outlet Kenney says he has enjoyed. Here are some samples from his journal:



When I heard that school was getting canceled for a bit, and then I was told I couldn’t see any of my friends it made me pretty angry. I haven’t seen anyone but my family for close to three weeks. To say I’m losing my mind is an understatement. Since I have been home I have been doing the same thing pretty much every day. Wake up, workout, breakfast, then do homework, then baseball or relax, then lunch, then soccer, another meal, then a second workout, then video games, then basketball, dinner, then relax.

I never thought I would say this, but I actually miss school. I can’t believe I feel that way, but life right now is so boring. There is nothing to do and I have done everything I can do. I drove the other day which felt so weird.

This whole situation is really weird, like with the country shutting down and everything.


COVID-19 has made me realize I never want to take people for granted. I was so stuck in a role with people, and I think I was taking everything for granted. I will always appreciate school, being social, being with friends, driving, and doing anything with people again because of this quarantine. It has also put into perspective how much those friends mean to me.


I feel lucky that I don’t have COVID-19, and others that I care about don’t have it, and at least I am not quarantined alone. If I was I would definitely lose my mind.

Wyatt Kenney, a junior at Gray-New Gloucester, expected to be back on the mound pitching for his high school baseball team this spring. Photo courtesy of Wyatt Kenney

One of the most disappointing things about the corona is the loss of life definitely, but also people are losing their jobs, businesses, homes, cars, everything. There really is no way to work around it when there is no money coming in, only going out.

Update: I have been working out three times a day still. I have gained a bunch of weight which is good because that is what most people always said I needed for sports.


The hardest part about this for me, besides not seeing anyone, is that it is hard to scratch my competitive itch. When I think about this long term though, I am not going to have sports forever, so it’s good to do other things besides sports to become more well rounded.

This time away from sports, friends, and school has given me a chance to look back and realize how much I love and enjoy all of it. Which is always good to get perspective.



I can’t believe everything that is going on. This time we are in has never happened before, which is crazy, but after this is all over, hopefully we will all have a new perspective and appreciation of life.

I feel for the people who can’t see loved ones because they are working in essential jobs, like hospital employees.


I had a weird thought that whenever everything is back to normal: Will things be awkward with face-to-face interactions with people? I honestly don’t know. It’s going to be weird to witness and be a part of when things are back to normal.

Everyone right now is just trying not to give up, to stay positive and to be happy.


Giving is big right now. I think that giving is really just being unselfish. Essentially everyone is being very unselfish by staying home and away from people, even though it’s definitely the last thing people want to do. We all know at some point everyone reaches that edge, so then we have to fight to make the right decision and think of others – especially those people on the front lines.

Do you have a story to share about how you are affected by the coronavirus outbreak? Email us at virus@pressherald.com

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