John Balentine returns with another false choice draped in an illogical and overly emotional appeal to American history. He deliberately spins out of context a quote by an 18th century politician who is actually complaining about a lack of democracy and then warps it by assuming without justification that that historic politician must agree with his convoluted argument about the present day COVID-19 quarantine. Without providing his own interpretation of this historic quote, Balentine provides us with overheated political spin and not sound opinion reasoning.

The illogical false choice Balentine posits is that the slightest temporary restrictions to protect health and safety constitute a total and unreasonable intrusion against liberty. Reason and tradition tell us that this slippery slope is false. The American system of government at the federal, state and local levels can and must have the power to protect the safety and well-being of individuals. Patriotic Americans have recognized their responsibilities to their neighbors during past pandemics with stoicism and versatility.

Balentine then uses an elaborate metaphor to accuse Governor Mills of being like a bad, “hovering” mother. If true, I think Balentine reflects the mold of a rebellious, unbridled pre-teen who is constantly demanding his “freedom and rights” despite constantly staying out too late and driving the car into a ditch.

In short, I wish that Mr. Balentine discontinue the Fox News tactics that are proving so divisive and inflammatory. I think his combative and unreasonable approach is actually resulting in the continuation of the quarantine, and thus hurting his attempt at cheerleading a recovery.

And by continuing to ignore the comments of Forecaster readers, Balentine shows the Forecaster readers a certain contempt and a lack of accountability. We readers of the Forecaster deserve less spin, better opinion writing and more accountability.

Ryan Evans

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