Never have I read a newspaper column as sophomoric as Bill Nemitz’s June 4 piece, “An open letter from Maine to the president who isn’t” (Page B1). As a retired teacher friend of mine said, “This could have been written by one of my average eighth grade boys making me ‘pay’ for giving an assignment he didn’t like.”

Abusing the inexplicable journalistic license afforded him by the paper as a “metro columnist” to editorialize in the Local & State news section, Nemitz savaged President Trump with every descriptive short of profanity and scatology, calling him “a weak man … a pathological liar … utterly lacking in moral fiber … the embodiment of cowardice and impotence … devoid of human empathy.” And this after first demeaning Piscataquis County Mainers who might welcome the president as people “who can’t, or won’t, see what’s so plainly evident to most of us.” I am Bill Nemitz, and I am smarter than thee.

All of this from the newspaper that, just six weeks ago, went out hat in hand begging readers for contributions to stay afloat. Astonishingly, over 700 readers have responded with donations exceeding $60,000 (“Letter from the Publisher: Newspapers need help in unprecedented times,” April 26, Page D2).

I don’t know how many donors are Trump supporters – I’m certain of at least one – but after Nemitz’s noxious screed, he may be the last. Then the paper’s Editorial Board demands that Trump resign (Our View, June 5, Page A12).

The Portland Press Herald’s message to Trump supporters: We hate you. Go to hell.

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