This month’s message from the Bath Sunrise Rotary Club
The Bath Sunrise Rotary Club is part of a network of local, district wide, and international groups of charity minded individuals whose motto is ‘Service Above Self’. Every dollar raised goes entirely to community/ global projects without any subtraction for overhead.
The Rotary Foundation has the ability to match or multiply funds for worthy projects. Money comes primarily from grass root fundraisers.
Bath Sunrise Rotary is a small but very active club that averages about 15 members. We also collaborate with neighboring clubs including our sister Bath “noontime” club, and clubs in Brunswick, Damariscotta/Newcastle, and elsewhere.
Our club has focused on some exciting community needs. We are very committed to fostering food security, and support the Bath Area Food Bank run by Kim Gates, on an ongoing basis.
Recently, both Bath clubs have helped Woolwich EMS obtain a state of the art Life pack monitoring and defibrillation system to modernize their second ambulance.
We have worked with KELT (Kennebec Estuary Land Trust) to improve and modernize walking trails around Bath.
Bath Sunrise is currently exploring ways to assist Morse High School’s new greenhouse and food production planned endeavors. We value the youth in the area, and enjoy our relationship with the Morse “Interact” group which involves our students in community needs.
This alliance will hopefully foster better leadership skills in the area.
The Morris Farm in Wiscasset and the Pinetree Society have offered opportunities for us to be positively involved in the near future.
Our affiliated “e-club” has recently assisted some of the needs of the Wabenaki nation, referable to sports and clothing for elders.
We obtain money primarily through fund raisers. We plan to have another Calendar Raffle later this spring, a Yard Sale in early May, and we currently have bottle drive at Hilltop Redemption on Bull Rock Road in West Bath. Further details about these fund raisers will be published later.
We are an enthusiastic bunch of folks who wish to meet and work with like-minded people.
Once the pandemic lifts, we will resume meeting the first and third Fridays of each month at 8AM at Mae’s Cafe on Center Street in Bath. Our mailbox is #1111, Bath, Maine 04530. Donations are always appreciated.
Presenting Sponsors:

Supporting Sponsors:
ReMax Riverside | 1 Bowdoin Mills Island, Suite 1010, Topsham | 207-725-8505
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