Peter Slovenski talks to some student-athletes during a 2019-20 race. Photo provided by Bowdoin College
Longtime Bowdoin College track and cross country coach Peter Slovenski announced his retirement Tuesday, effective at the end of this academic year.
Slovenski led the Polar Bears to seven New England Small College Athletic Conference titles, including two in women’s track and field (1992, 93), two in women’s cross country (1992, 95) and three in men’s cross country (1991, 2001, 02).
Slovenski informed his teams of his retirement via a meeting over Zoom on Tuesday.
“It was a great honor to be the coach of the Bowdoin athletes who made so many contributions to what we were trying to do in practices and track meets. They participated with poise, courage, intelligence, humility and good sportsmanship,” Slovenski said in a prepared statement. “I was impressed by the way our athletes came through for the college in competition and in the classroom.”
A 1979 Dartmouth College graduate, Solvenski earned his master’s degree in educational administration and policy analysis from Stanford University in 1980. He came to Bowdoin in 1987 — and never left.
“Peter Slovenski has provided academic and athletic guidance, as well as personal mentorship, to thousands of Bowdoin students during his tenure at the College,” Bowdoin Director of Athletics Tim Ryan said in a news release.
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