Congratulations! A recent front-page Press Herald article (“UMaine pressured to fully divest of fossil fuel,” Sept. 28) reported that the University of Maine System has significantly reduced its investments in fossil fuels, now retaining only 2 percent. Further, a young group of University of Maine students wants that remaining 2 percent to be quickly divested. All in all, a modest but clear effort contributing to the death of climate change.
A more immediate contribution to this noble effort would be for all UMaine students to immediately divest themselves of every form of their fossil-fuel transportation for the rest of this school year. Surely the whole faculty and staff would want to join them as a show of support. Come to think of it, the entire UMaine campus should also do without fossil fuel-produced heat. Then, by next June, let’s have an official UMaine report describing how all students and staff benefited from their memorable preview of the future while mostly embracing climate change prevention efforts in Orono.
This could then quickly and boldly provide lead-by-example evidence for the 320 million individuals in our great nation by illustrating how a return to the pre-fossil fuel 1850s would change America. That is, back to the days when apparently the sun shone brightly 24/7 and the wind always blew steadily at 20 knots. Back to the good old days – indeed!
Jack Reetz
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