There has been a lot of back and forth regarding Question 1, a ballot referendum that will decide the fate of the New England Clean Energy Connect corridor at the polls this November.

One thing is clear about this ballot question – it does not serve the best interests of Maine. It was placed on the ballot by special interest groups that are bankrolled by fossil fuel companies. They would rather see Maine get left behind than give up ground to the corridor.

Question 1 gives the power to politicians to control the future opportunity for Mainers to access affordable, renewable energy. This ballot measure would give politicians the ability to keep out lower-cost energy forever and rig the system so that a few of them can help fossil fuel companies eliminate competition from renewable and affordable energy projects like the NECEC.

This ballot initiative would give unwarranted power to politicians who are on the side of fossil fuel companies, even though the NECEC has secured all necessary approvals for its construction.

Please vote “no” on Question 1 this November.

Jon Moynahan

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