Snow beautiful

Frost-covered trees after the first real snow of the winter fell in Bridgton over the Christmas holiday. Perri Black / For Lakes Region Weekly

Rotary Club talk will focus on helping New Mainers

Rotarian Jen Fullmer from the Biddeford-Saco Club will speak about her involvement in the rescue and resettlement of an Afghan family in Maine on Thursday, Jan. 6, when the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Her incredible story is a plea for local Rotary Clubs to help purchase computers to assist family members in obtaining certification in their professions. She will speak via Zoom at a hybrid meeting at Stella’s on the Square, 6 North High St., in Bridgton. For more information, contact Carol Madsen at For the Zoom link, contact George Szok at Please note: The Rotary Club follows all CDC protocols regarding indoor meetings. Current guidelines require that all visitors wear masks until vaccination status is confirmed. To learn more about the Rotary, go to

Narcan training available

Lake Region Recovery Center works with Maine Access Point to train people on how to use Narcan, the life-saving treatment for opioid overdose. The medicine is provided free of charge to anyone who needs it. LRRC is located at 25 Hospital Road, Suite E, on the Bridgton Hospital campus. Individuals or organizations interested in learning more about Narcan or the center’s programs can call 803-8707 or go to

During the month of November, LRRC gave out a record 80 doses of Narcan. LRRC representative Candy Greenburg considers these 80 lives saved and a step toward solving the opioid addiction problem in Maine.

Local Lions roar

Bridgton Lions Club donated $3,000 to the Community Resource Navigator Fund administered by the Bridgton Community Center at its annual Christmas party in December. The money will go to the Navigator Fund, which provides emergency financial relief to local citizens facing difficulties and often do not qualify for other state or federal aid. The fund is comprised mainly of charitable donations from individuals and organizations, not tax funds or government grants. To learn more about the Navigator Fund, contact the Community Center at 647-3116.

Junior Rotarians rock

Six junior Rotarians from Lake Region High School helped prepare and serve 125 free meals when the Bridgton Community Center hosted its Christmas Community Kettle drive-thru supper Dec. 16. The meal, sponsored by the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club and donated by Chef Nicholas Orgo of Stella’s on the Square, featured roast beef along with a number of sides. The meals were “sold out” within 20 minutes, with a large sum donated to the Community Center. For more information about Community Kettle suppers, call the BCC at 647-3116.

Perri Black can be reached at or 647-8272.

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