Kettle Cove in Cape Elizabeth. Brianna Soukup photo/Press Herald

The Cape Elizabeth Town Council tasked the town’s energy committee with creating climate action goals in a meeting on Feb. 13.

“The council has had, for at least two years on our town council goals, a desire to develop some more pointed climate plans for the town,” said council chair Jeremy A. Gabrielson. “At a recent meeting with the Energy Committee, I had an opportunity to talk with them, and they are very interested in helping the council work through this item.”

The committee’s duties would involve reviewing Maine Won’t Wait, the state’s climate action plan, and making recommendations to the town council for a plan for Cape Elizabeth. The committee will also “encourage coordination where applicable with other town boards and committees regarding implementation of climate change initiative,” according to the town.

“We’ll be ready to turn this around relatively quickly, in terms of putting forward a working goal in a shorter time frame rather than a longer time frame and then looking at refining that,” said John Voltz, vice chair of the Energy Committee. “Because there are grants and other things out there to go get, but it starts with having a goal that you are working against as opposed to saying ‘I might like something’ which is where we are right now.”

The council unanimously approved the charge.

“I am looking forward to working with the Energy Committee on this item and seeing what they can come up with and having them as part of our conversation going forward,” Gabrielson said.

The town also plans to complete the solar project at the recycling facility this year.

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